≫ Mature / Dark / Slice of Life
≫ Muse and Writer are both 21+

penned by @straycatte
est. 2014

The fallen son; the favored
The Ghost

He died a hero, they said. That's the thing about people though, they often romanticize the dead.Some would even go as far as to call him a coward for what he did, but the story is much more complicated than that. His name just a mere whisper among his family and a lingering memory to those who cared. Drais left behind his legacy and turned his back on it all.

  • ㅤheightㅤㅤ6'8".

  • ㅤeyesㅤㅤblue.

  • ㅤhairㅤㅤdark brown.

  • ㅤscarsㅤㅤleft cheek; heavily scarred torso, back, arms.

  • ㅤface claimㅤㅤjon bernthal.

  • ㅤlanguagesㅤㅤcommon, sign language.

  • ㅤraceㅤㅤduskwight elezen.

  • ㅤparentsㅤㅤrielen and lilia zeddicus.

  • ㅤsiblingsㅤㅤcerothyn and camsyn.

  • ㅤpartner(s)ㅤㅤlilith, she thinks he's dead. Sort of divorced then.

smoking, drinking, isolation, guns, fighting, the shroud, darkness, and dogs.
people, his parents, cities, crowds, sudden loud noises, emotions, intimacy, and loss.

ㅤin a cathedral filled with silences, i am a gunshotㅤ

  • ㅤnameㅤㅤdrais zeddicus

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤghost. Cin Zoviere

  • ㅤageㅤㅤforties.

  • ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤ???

  • ㅤsexualityㅤㅤstraight.

  • ㅤoriginㅤㅤthe black shroud.

  • ㅤlocationㅤㅤMIA.

  • ㅤskillsㅤㅤsniper, rogue, hand to hand combatant.

ㅤaboutㅤㅤStanding at an imposing height, Drais is anything but friendly at first glance. He is rugged, scarred, and heavily armed-- even if some weapons aren't in line of sight. His armor is worn and torn from battle and his travels. One could easily assume he's a mercenary and they wouldn't be far off.When he speaks his voice is low and gravelly sounding and words are often shortened. There is an ever present look of disdain on his features.

ㅤpersonalityㅤㅤQuiet and almost brooding, he doesn't really seem like the best company to keep mainly because he doesn't choose to participate in most conversations. When he does talk, he's often blunt or sharp with his words. Few get him to loosen up, those that do are the ones he deems his friends.

ㅤHead in the dust, feet in the fire. Labour on that midnight wire.
Listening for that angel choir
You got nowhere to runㅤ

wounds don’t ever heal, you just notice them less. on good days, you forget they exist at all but, then comes that one word, that sight,
that s o u n d that brings the pain rushing back and you realize you never truly stopped bleeding-- you just stopped seeing it.

❝ they made you into a WEAPON && told you to find PEACE. ❞

ㅤhistoryㅤ A family of Duskwights ripped from the shroud's safety and shoved into Ishgard's icy, cold walls. Drais didn't know how to cope or play nobility, he was only taught to kill. To fight. To Survive.It was during a mission gone wrong that his mother fell to their enemies that Drais came to question his upbringing and his father's choices, something he had never done before. After all, weapons don't think.Was it all worth it?The reputation that the family had earned, the infamy that he and his father sought? The number of enemies were ever growing and after what he saw, he didn’t know if he could handle facing his children and know what life that he pushed and forced them into. He had a choice to make, go home and be a walking corpse or disappear.Afterwards, he waited throughout the night until he came to a conclusion.Drais Zeddicus died that day.Right there alongside his mother, a place he knew he should have fought even with his bare-hands until he took his last breath. As far as he or anyone else could be concerned that was what had happened. He would get his vengeance on his own time without risking anymore of his family because now he truly had nothing left to lose. A man with no name, no loved ones, and no motive would be the most dangerous of them all.


  • Be it you or him, perhaps you've been up against one another a time or two.


  • He likes to drown his many sorrows.


  • once he's found few he trust, he frequently returns to be silently stitched back together.

merc for hire

  • He'll take what he can get and he always gets the job done.


  • he has a record of death and those who have heard of him would be horrified to see he's walking around very much alive.


  • those who knew of him in isghard likely didn't understand how he was nobility. however, most were too afraid to ask him any sort of question.

  • others likely recognized the duskwight from the shroud.


  • father.

Rielen’s father was a blacksmith and his mother? She was nothing more than a bandit. He was meant to take over his father’s craft and nothing more; a simple life. However, something inside the young boy wanted more, perhaps he got that from his mother.


  • mother.

  • deceased.

Born into a noble family of Ishgard, Lilia had the perfect life and anything she wanted. Then she met Rielen. She gave him everything he wanted along with four children. She also kept his secrets and took them to her grave.


  • younger brother.

Notorious pirate captain of The Kraken, Cerothyn runs his ship with a tight grip and made his own name for himself. He wanted nothing to do with the politics his family thrusted him into, however, he's quite good at playing them when needed. He can be found in various taverns when not away on his ship.


  • younger brother.

Just one of the many Zeddicus brothers, and a minority of those who have found themselves wayward from their family's call.Still, distance makes no difference when you can't outrun the blood that runs through your very veins.


  • younger sister.

  • deceased.

Lynn was an extraordinary archer for her age, she and Drais were often sent on jobs together. They were a deadly duo and never missed. She was extremely close with her siblings and had a warmth about her.


  • son.

  • heir.

He has the anger and skills of his father and the mouth of his mother. Reli is set to lead the family after Drais' demise. However, it's a matter of if he wants to take upon the responsibility and role of it all.


  • daughter.

  • rielen's favorite.

Much like her older brother, Riley loathes everything to do with politics. Unlike him, she attends whatever Rielen requests of her. For this, she is held in a more respected position and often chosen for his dealings.


  • spouse.

  • she thinks he's dead.

Respected by her children, despised by most of the family. Lilith is cold, calculating, and much like Rielen. She believes in his 'vision' and for this she is especially cruel and power hungry. It was an arranged and loveless marriage.

♚ㅤKatlinne Devereux

  • niece.

  • cerothyn's bastard.

As much as she denies her family name, she is more like them than she cares to admit. She shares their temper, their distrust, and their cleverness. Katlinne also shares a striking resemblance to her aunt Lynn whom she never met.

♚ㅤRowan Devereux

  • nephew.

  • cerothyn's bastard

Rowan is all the good parts of his father. He has an adventurous heart and kindness about him. Kat is fiercely protective over him, the pair balance each other out. He spends most of his time on his father's ship.